My MAC Eyeshadows

Hello Everyone!

OK so this is my first EVER blog post… excited?! I am! This is a whole new world for me so please be patient as my editing is likely to be atrocious!

This isn’t a proper blog post at all really so I’m probably getting you all excited for no reason. However, I recently uploaded a video about my MAC eyeshadow palettes and promised to post the pictures here so…

Here they are!

Hope you enjoy… and hope they show up!? I’m just learning to use my boyfriends camera so fingers crossed these turn out OK. Have a click on them to see their fully ‘glory’ haha

The first is my Neutral palette (both with and without flash)

And secondly… my ‘colour’ palette – ok so I know I have a limited range of colours, but if I don’t wear them then what’s the point in buying the things?! So here you are:

If you’d like to watch me rambling at length about these lovely shades then check out my YouTube channel HERE

Let me know if you have any suggestions for future purchases! What are your fave shades?!

Fleur x