Thursday 22 September 2016

Finding The One: Facial Oils

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I’ve been a fan of face oils for a while now. By now, most of you will know about how they make a gorgeous addition to your nighttime routine and leave your skin feeling baby soft when you wake, but did you know they can actually be used to enhance your routine in lots of different ways? So many of my oilier-skinned friends are scared of using oil products for fear that it will make their skin oilier, but in reality it does a brilliant job of balancing any imbalances your skin may have, leaving it happy and hydrated.
It also works really well when mixed with your foundation, especially if you’re using one that is just a little too matte for your liking… add a single drop in before you apply it and the finish of your base will be enhanced to a sleek, smooth one - (just be careful not to apply too much of course!) Last but not least when it comes to face oils, it’s important to  remember that not all are created equal., You can only get these amazing results with the perfect oil for your skin type, texture and age. But how do you work out which oil is for you? 
There are so many on the market now and some of them can be eye-wateringly expensive… but they aren’t all necessarily worth it. Take the time to have a little peek at the ingredients list to check if the ingredients are natural oils. Some good ones to look out for are:

Rosehip Oil - One of nature’s best anti-ageing ingredients, reship oil contains a form of Vitamin A, essential fatty acids and Vitamin C, helping to fight free radicals, reduce signs of ageing and improve moisture levels.

Sunflower Oil - Doesn’t sound glamourous, but it contains Vitamin E which is great for boosting moisture levels and has anti-oxidant properties to fight against free radicals.

Jojoba Oil - Intensely moisturising and gentle on the skin at the same time, great for more sensitive or irritated skin.

Almond Oil - One of the most common carrier oils, it’s great for the skin as it’s moisturising and anti-inflammatory.

It’s always worth avoiding products that list mineral oil high up on their Ingredients label, although it's not quite as 'evil' as some people make it out to be... It’s not necessarily awful for your skin but it has been linked to congestion and it’s generally a cheap product that’s thrown in to formulas to bulk them out, rather than provide genuine skincare benefits. It's definitely worth considering when it comes to products you leave on your skin like a facial oil (for cleansers etc that you wash off, I personally consider it less of an issue).
You can find some of these skin goodies in facial oils from top high end skincare to high street and for this post I’m really happy to have partnered with Sanctuary to tell you all about my favourite high street facial oil, the Overnight Miracle Oil. This night-time oil treatment glides onto the skin so smoothly, it feels like a real treat for my face and I wake up with baby soft, glowing skin. It is formulated with a blend of rosehip, jojoba, sunflower, bitter orange and wheat germ oils.

The Sanctuary’s whole range of facial oils is available for £5 off at the moment (making it £12.50 from £17.50) at Boots (HERE), so if you’d like to try it out for yourself, I would really recommend it. It’s one of the best quality facial oils on the hight street and I love it! They do a range of different oils for different skin concerns but the Overnight Miracle Oil is my favourite.

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